Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 page. Our class teachers are Miss Kent and Miss Lees-Collier and our teaching assistant is Miss Sanderson In Year 4 we have two classes, 4S and 4R. 4S is taught by Miss Kent and 4R is taught by Miss Lees-Collier.


4S is named after S. F. Said who is a British Muslim author of Middle Eastern background, who was born in Beirut and spent his first years in Jordan. He describes his origins as Iraqi, Egyptian, Kurdish, and Circassian. Said is a powerful advocate for making reading a more inclusive experience for more children and has ambitions to improve representation in children’s books. His books immerse children in worlds where characters explore their identity within systems of social injustice, inequity and prejudice.

Miss Kent
S.F. Said


4R is named after Onjali Q. Rauf who is is an award winning and best selling children’s author and activist. Her books are well known for helping the children of today understand and deal with a range of issues in a narrative that they can relate to in an engaging way. Her debut book, The Boy at the Back of the Class, was met with critical acclaim whose awards include the 2019 Blue Peter Book Award and Waterstones
Children’s Book Prize. She is the founder of Making Herstory, an organisation uniting men, women and children from all walks of life to tackle the abuse and trafficking of women and girls in the UK and
beyond. In her spare time, she delivers emergency aid for refugee families surviving in Calais and Dunkirk, and supports interfaith projects. She specialised in Women’s Studies at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth and Oxford University

Miss Lees-Collier
Onjali Q. Rauf

Over this year, we will explore the following topics: Rivers to coasts, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Civilisations, Eastern Europe and Rotten Romans.

In Year 4, our learning is structured across a wide range of different subjects including History, Geography, Science, Art, Design Technology, Music, PE, French,  Religious Education and Computing. Alongside these subjects we are continuously working on developing our learning values and career prospects for the future.

Class Weekly Timetable

Curriculum Map


This year, the multiplication check window will run for 2 weeks from Monday the 3rd of June. We recommend that pupils practise their timetables weekly on the soundcheck on TT rockstars.

Class Experiences

Throughout the year children in year 4 have the opportunity to experience a number of different trips. These include a visit from Severn Trent, a careers workshop, swimming, church visit and a romans exhibition.


Homework is set weekly. This will be either in paper-based or on seesaw. Each week your child will be set timestables, spelling and handwriting homework. Each half term they will be set spelling, punctuation and grammar homework and a wider curriculum homework project. If you need a new parent or pupil access code then please contact your class teacher.


At the beginning of every half term, we will send out the link to the year group newsletter. Here you will find important information for the coming term, including dates, curriculum information, useful links and pictures and videos of the children.

If you have any questions about anything you see, then please get in touch. Click on the links below to access the newsletter:

Autumn 1
