Year 6


Welcome to Year 6. Year 6 is made up of two classes – 6B and 6D

6B is taught by Miss Lees and 6D is taught by Miss Taylor . We also have the support of Mrs Murphy. In this section of the website, you can learn about life in Year 6, including our curriculum, the structure of our week, newsletters and anything we think will be useful!


6B is taught by Miss Lees. We have named our classes after famous authors and 6B is named after our author Malorie Blackman. She is a British writer who held the position of Children’s Laureate from 2013 to 2015. She primarily writes literature and television drama for children and young adults. She has used science fiction to explore social and ethical issues.


6D is taught by Miss Taylor. Our class is named after Berlie Doherty who is an English novelist, poet, play and screenwriter. She predominantly writes children’s books and many of her books are published into over 20 different languages. She has been won many awards and has now won the Carnegie Medal twice for her writing.

Year Group Weekly Timetable

Our year group timetable is full of engaging lessons in English, mathematics and wider curriculum subject each day. An example of what a week in year 6 might look like is pictured below.

Curriculum Year Group Overview

Our wider curriculum comprises of a wide range of subjects including Science, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, Music, PE, French, Religious Education and Computing.

Please see below for a detailed curriculum overview for the year.

Class Experiences

This year, year 6 will be taking part in some exciting trips and visits!

Already we have been to see Shrek the musical and have upcoming trips to the Galleries of Justice and even Ice Skating!

This year, year 6 will be putting on an end of year performance of Wonderland the Musical! We have more details to follow in the final half term!


This year, SATs week runs from May 13th – May 16th. The children will follow the timetable of tests below.

Alongside the regular homework set, we recommend that pupils spend some time revising topics covered in school. Here are some links to useful websites for working at home:


Homework is set weekly. This will be either on our home learning site Seesaw or paper-based SATs practice. If you need a new parent or pupil access code then please contact your class teacher.

Click to access Seesaw


At the beginning of every half term, we send out the link to our year group newsletter. Here you will find important information for the coming term, including dates, curriculum information, useful links and pictures and videos from the children.

If you have any questions about anything you see, then please get in touch. Click on the links below to access the newsletters:

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1
