Year 5


Welcome to Year 5! Our year group is made up of 2 classes – 5M, taught by Mrs Hall and 5R, taught by Mr Lord. Our Teaching Assistant for the year group is Miss Dunne. 

On our section of the website you can learn about our curriculum and discover what is going on in our lessons. You can find out about the topics we are learning about and the structure of a typical day. We have included our curriculum maps and newsletters to keep you updated. 

Mrs Hall
Mr Lord


Both classes have very similar timetables. We usually do our Maths and English core subjects in the morning, then we teach Wider Curriculum lessons in the afternoons.

Wider Curriculum

We cover a lot of wonderful subjects in our Wider Curriculum. Take a look at our curriculum overview below to see what your child will be learning this year!

Maths Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Long Term overview

Trips and Experiences

Here at Huntingdon Academy, we do our best to make sure that our children are able to participate in as many extra-curricular trips and activities as possible.

Useful Links

Times Tables Rockstars

BBC Bitesize

Sumdog Maths

Purple Mash

Storyline Online



White Rose Maths


Each term, the Year 5 Team sends out a newsletter to keep parents and guardians up to date with all the topics that we will cover that term, as well as useful information on how to help your child at home. To view this newsletter online, please click on the link below.

Autumn 1
