Year 2

Welcome to year 2!

There are 2 classes in year 2: 2R and 2C. Class 2R are taught by Miss Lees-Collier with the support of Miss Rassul. Class 2C are taught by Miss Deal, with the support of Miss Gerald. 

In this section of the website you can learn all about life in year 2, including our wonderful curriculum, the structure of our week and any other useful information. We keep our year group page updated with photos of our amazing learning experiences so please keep checking back regularly to see all the exciting things we get up to throughout the year! 

Class Teachers


Miss Lees-Collier

Class 2R are taught by Miss Lees-Collier. 2R are named after the author Michael Rosen. Michael Rosen is a famous children’s author who has published 140 books! You will likely know some of his most popular stories, such as Sad Book, Book of Nonsense, Chocolate Cake and This is Our House. We have plenty of books and poems written by Michael Rosen stocked in our classroom so please feel free to take one home to read! 


Miss Deal

Miss Deal

2C are taught by Miss Deal. 2C are named after our author Yangsook Choi. She is an amazing illustrator and writer who grew up in Korea. After moving to America, she has written and illustrated many children’s books which have themes centering around identity, belonging and kindness. When she is not writing, she loves spending time with children in her community and all over the world. 


Year Group Weekly Timetable

Please download our weekly timetable below, which is packed full of engaging English, mathematics and wider curriculum lessons . 

Both 2R and 2C have PE on Wednesdays. 

Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct Huntingdon PE kit on those days. 

If you feel like you can support in the classroom in any way, please speak to your child’s class teacher. 

Download weekly timetable

Curriculum Year Group Overview

Over the year, we cover the following topics: 

  • Autumn term – Location, Location, Location 
  • Spring term – Hot and Cold Places 
  • Summer term – We’re all Superheroes! 

Please download our curriculum map below. Each topic is taught through a key text. We ensure that throughout each term there are exciting experiences to engage the children in their topics. 

Download curriculum map

Book Spine

Download the key texts and supporting texts we will be studying throughout the year. These texts are used to facilitate engaging English lessons, reading lessons and of course, promote reading for pleasure! 

Download book spine

Class Experiences

In year 2 we take great pleasure in providing amazing educational experiences for our pupils. 

Some of the educational trips we have this year include exploring our local area, visiting Nottingham Castle, visiting Twycross Zoo, visiting Nottingham Arboretum and a one-night residential camping experience at White Post Farm. 


Reading with your child for 10/15 minutes a day is imperative in ensuring they build fluency and understanding. It stimulates their imagination as well as expanding their understanding of the world. Your child will be sent home with two reading books: a Phonics reading book and a reading for pleasure book. Please ensure your child brings their book to school with them each day. 

As well as this, termly homework projects and weekly maths and English homework is set on Seesaw. Please encourage your child to complete their homework weekly as this helps to reinforce what they are learning at school. 

Each child has a Seesaw login. This is stuck at the front of the reading diary. 

Your child also has a Times Table Rock Stars login and a Sumdog login. These are fun and engaging maths programs designed to develop your child’s mental maths skills. 

Click on the links below to be taken to the web pages.



During the first week of each half term, we send out the link to our year group newsletter. Here you will find important information for the upcoming term, including important dates for your diary, curriculum information, useful links and photos of the children’s learning. 

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher. 

Click on the links below to access the newsletters: