Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

In Year 1 we have two classes, 1K and 1J. Our teachers are Miss Towse and Miss Breakwell. On our section of the website you will find all about life in year 1, our timetable, information about our curriculum and trips, our newsletters, and anything else we think will be of use. We will also share some of the wonderful experiences our children the opportunity to be a part of.

1K and 1J


Teacher – 1K

Miss Towse

1k is taught by Miss Towse. We have named our classes after famous authors and 1K is named after Judith Kerr who is the author of The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and Mog. Judith Kerr was born in Berlin in 1923 and moved to the UK in 1936. Judith worked as an artist, script writer, author, and illustrator of children’s books.

Miss Breakwell

Teacher – 1J

Miss Breakwell

1J is taught by Miss Breakwell. We have named our classes after famous authors and 1J is named after Oliver Jeffers who is the author of Lost and Found, and Here We Are. Oliver Jeffers was born in Northan Ireland, and is an artist, author and illustrator of children’s books. He was awarded an MBE for special services to the arts.

In year 1 we are supported by Mrs Walsh, Miss Thompson, Miss Morris, and Mrs Hall.

Weekly timetable

Our year group timetable is full of engaging lessons each day. Please note that we have PE on Monday. Please send your children to school in their PE kits every Monday.

1J – Autumn 1 Timetable

1K – Autumn 1 Timetable

Curriculum Year Group Overview

To learning about all the exciting books, topics, learning and experiences we will be focusing on this year download our Year 1 Yearly Overview.

Download Year 1 Yearly Overview

Class Experiences

Throughout the year we enhance our learning by going on exciting trips, in Autumn 1 we will be going on a local walk around St Anns to look more closely at what our community has to offer. There will be more trips through the year and we will provide more information as we get closer to the events happening and let you know in good time.


In year 1 the children will take a statutory phonics screening assessment which assess the progress your child has made in early reading and takes place in June. The children are well prepared for this and takes place in school with their class teacher in a familiar environment and format. We will provide information on this as the year progresses, including a parent workshop, but are happy to answer questions at any time.



We can not over emphasise the importance of reading in the early years of school as it sets your child up well to access all areas of the curriculum as well as develop a life long love of books and reading. We ask that you read with your child every night from the phonics reading books they bring home. These phonics books are closely linked to the phonics sounds being taught at school and the children should be able to read these confidently. Please encourage your child to use their best ‘story tellers voice’ and ask them lots of questions to prompt conversation around the book. In their bookbag they will also have a reading for pleasure book, this is a story book they have chosen for its appeal. We do not necessarily expect the children to independently read these books, you may read these books to them to enjoy together.


Each week your child will have spellings linked to the phonics program. These will come home in your child’s bookbag, please spend time looking at these together.


Other projects and homework linked to our curriculum are uploaded to the online platform of Seesaw. Please see your child’s class teacher for the log in details. You are able to upload photos to Seesaw to show us your home learning or feel free to bring it in. If you struggle to access online please ask for a paper copy.

Book Spine

Download the key texts and supporting texts we will be studying throughout the year. These texts are used to facilitate engaging English lessons, reading lessons and of course, promote reading for pleasure.

Download book spine


Each half term a newsletter will be sent home to inform you of all the wonderful learning that will take place along with key dates and messages.

If you have any questions about anything please get in touch with the year 1 team.