EYFS Foundation 1 – Nursery

Welcome to F1C – our Nursery class at Huntingdon Academy!

Teaching Staff
Mrs Carrette Mrs Mather
Mrs Rahim-AminMrs Elbaruni

In our nursery class we have Mrs Carrette who currently teaches the class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Mather who teaches Wednesday Thursday and Friday. We also have Mrs Amin and Mrs Elbaruni, who are both teaching assistants and support the nursery children from Monday-Friday. 

Class Author

At Huntingdon Academy, we encourage all children to foster a love of reading. Our class ‘F1C’ is named in honour of one of our favourite authors! Eric Carle who you might know for the following stories:

Nursery Sessions

We have a morning group that runs from 8.45am-11:45am and an afternoon group from 12:30pm – 3.00pm. We can have a maximum of 26 children in each session. We also accept 30 hour codes, providing we have the space in both sessions.

We run a lunch club that is available to all day children and children who attend afternoon sessions. Please talk to the nursery teaching staff if you are interested in your child attending at lunch times.

Our EYFS curriculum

Our curriculum and provision is guided by the prime and specific areas of development: 

Communication and Language 
Physical Development 
Personal, Social and Emotional Development   
Expressive Arts and Design 
Understanding the World  

Each of these areas are reflected in our learning areas both indoors and outside. The children will have the opportunity each day to explore the different learning areas independently, as well as take part in guided groups with an adult.

Each half term we have carefully chosen different topics that will provide the children with lots of opportunities to develop in the prime and specific areas. These include: Colourful, Wonderful Me! My Celebrations and Me! The Animal Kingdom and Me! The Great Outdoors and Me! A Grand Adventure and Me! My Superpowers and Me!


Each day the children have the opportunity to explore the different learning areas within our continuous provision and can choose to enjoy their learning within our classroom or our courtyard. We have milk and fruit time together and also enjoy listening to a story and taking part in circle time activities as a group. We all spend time on the large playground together once in the morning and once in the afternoon, where the children will have access to the climbing frame, large sand pit, bikes and lots more! In the Spring and Summer term, the N2 children will start to have focused group activities, to prepare them for their learning in F2.

F1 Timetable AM
8:45amRegistration and head count
9:00amGood morning routines. Maths or Phonics input alternative weeks
9:15amChildren play within the continuous provision, inside and outside
10:15amChildren tidy away resources
10:30amMilk and fruit time
10:45amPlay time on the large EYFS playground
11:15amShared story and home time routines
F1 Timetable PM
12:30pmRegistration and head count
12:35pmChildren play within the continuous provision, inside and outside
1.35pmChildren tidy away resources
1:45pm Good afternoon routines. Maths or Phonics input alternative weeks
2pmPlay time on the large EYFS playground
2:30pmMilk and fruit time
2:45pmShared story and home time routines
Additional activities
Make and bake – 3 per half term

Parent communication

Seesaw – Each parent is given a seesaw log in that they can use at home to see photos of activities that the children have taken part in. These will include a description of the activity and next steps for learning. Key messages and information will also be available to view on seesaw. Parents can comment on the posts with a message to their children, or ask any questions they have for the teachers.

Parents’ evenings – We have 3 parents’ evenings each year, one at the end of each term, where parents can book an appointment with their child’s teacher.

Newsletter – Each half term, we will be sending out a sway newsletter which will inform you of information relating to the learning for that half term, alongside key messages and dates.

We know that after a half term break, coming back to nursery can seem quite overwhelming for our nursery children, we therefore welcome parents and carers to stay for the first hour to support this transition back into the provision for their child.


We welcome applications all year round and offer places for children the term after they have turned three. Please complete an admissions form available from our school office and once this has been handed in, we will be in contact to let you know if we currently have any places available and when your child can start with us. 

Funding options

All parents of children aged three to four can access 15 hours of free childcare per week. Find out more and check your eligibility for free childcare.

Kind Regards,

The Foundation 1 Team
